May 22, 2007

Sith Comics is currently not being updated.

If you are reading this, then I'm sorry, but I won't be updating for awhile because of everything on my plate. If Spiderman has 2 separate lives, I must have at least 5 (1 for each thing, eh?) and unfortunately, I have to cut this out.

But eh, who's reading this anyway? If I have any readers, please tell me what you think of the comic (via email).

May 18, 2007

Oops - late

Would you believe I made this comic yesterday and forgot to upload it? I guess it shows how distracted I am...

Anyways, I think Guitar Hero might be getting a little too much (check hte news at the bottom) attention. I played the first one, and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, there are some great songs, but on the other hand: your band name sucks, you go on the "Toxic Tour," there are some really bad songs too (which I have blocked from memory), and the "boss" character (as described by the producers in a movie) is a sickly saddened version of what could have been a really cool Grim Reaper (kudos to "Cloud").

May 15, 2007

I really don't have much time...

I saw Spiderman 3. Venom was portrayed poorly. Nothing else to say - I'm on a busy schedule.

May 10, 2007

Summer and...

Remember what I said about maybe doing more comics per week this summer? Yeah, that's not likely.

Also: awesome. Those two guys have both a lot of time on their hands, and some pretty great skills. Also good taste :P.

May 8, 2007

Spiderman 3 is out.

So yeah... I haven't seen it yet, but the odds are against it staying that way for long, seeing as all my friends (and brother) have seen it, and they keep telling me about it...

Also, I guess DC isn't up to the challenge. Ouch. Makes me think of the old Marvel vs. DC arcade games. Whip out your quarters and head to the arcade. Superman has to gain back face somehow.

May 3, 2007

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

So play it. First time through, I got the bad ending... I guess I could always do new game +, but when/if I play it again, I'll probably be focused on getting a high enough level that I can do the other things besides the main storyline.

May 1, 2007

I'm tired...

As you may or may not know, my comic usually gets done late at night, after I remember to start working on it. Well it's 12:10 am right now, and I have to get some sleep for an exam tomorrow, and I've been working on posts for a kickin roleplay that I like.

So you get this. :P

I've also noticed that I tend to vent on my blog. Is that strange? No. Is it necessary and/or entertaining? Maybe not.

So in other news... Pirates 3 comes out May 25. Hey, isn't that the movie that was made at the same time as its prequel? Yeah, I remember that movie, only the second that I can remember to flash the words "to be continued" at the end of it. You would think they would have learned from the origional... Oh wait... Matrix Revolutions was a box office hit wasn't it? Guess that explains the follow-up in Pirates. Stupid advertising %$#@&%!%#$...

At least it's just under 3 hours, so the makers had enough time to fit everything important (like the whole plot) into the movie (I hope).

I'll probably go see it though, it looks good, and I have been waiting for a year for it to come out.

Apr 26, 2007

Work done, work begins.

Ah yes... My school work is coming to a close, as all things with deadlines do, and after my final exams are done, I will be able to take as much time as I need to work at Pizza Hut. Yay fast food! It gives me a ton of time to think up comics - 'cause my mind isn't doing anything else... (does that mean more updates? maybe)

In other words: it's boring.

Yay for a job! It gives me money to pay for my education, which, as I am continually reminded, will eventually get me out of part-time jobs....

I plan to watch NEXT soon. And by "soon" I mean "maybe after I get get it on DVD at the library" since that's about the time I get around to watching new movies.

Apr 24, 2007

Too Busy @_@

I've got a list of things to do. A list.

And no, you don't get to find out what it is.

Apr 20, 2007

Plans ruined.

Kevin you %$!# jerk! If you even read this comic, then take a moment to imagine me cussing you out for screwing me over this weekend. I tried to call you and ask what hotel you were staying in this weekend so that I could FIND IT on google maps because I HAVE TRANSPORTATION (no thanks to you) and I needed a place to stay, and now I CAN'T because when I tried to call you (at the only number I know) you hung up without even hearing what I had to say.

Son of a b****.

To all the rest of you - enjoy the comic.

Apr 17, 2007

D-D: Do you Dungeon?

Been playing a bit recently. I mean that as in - I played for the first time a couple days ago. And I learned something. No matter how small, ugly, fear-of-humans imbued, verministic, incoherent, fat, sluggish, insipid... Rats are somehow tough opponents. And despite being the size of a dog, they are almost impossible to hit.

"Your sword misses the giant rat" my butt.

Apr 15, 2007

I know it's a late post.

I'm sorry my loyal readers! I have failed you! All 3 of you! I'm sorry the comic is a few days late, but at least I got it up right...?

Maybe not.

In any case, the comic will be up late Tuesday night... I'll be busy that day.

Apr 10, 2007

Schedule change.

So... I think I'm going to start updating Tuesday/Thursday instead of M/W/F, for 2 reasons:
1. I keep forgetting to post three a week anyways, so now at least you know what to expect.
2. Tuesday and Thursday are the days that I have more time available in the evenings to work on this comic/online graphic novel, and the days that I tend to think about it anyways.

On a different note - does anyone know how to change a blog's page title? Despite what I've tried, I can't change it from the html source text to anything I want (like the words "Sith Comics"). If you know how or have any ideas, please tell me by email or comment.

Apr 5, 2007

Work work again...

No news again today... Or is there? Has the comic style improved? I hope so, since I skipped working on an essay today to work on it...

Apr 3, 2007

I don't feel great...

Headaches aren't fun... Especially ones where it feels like you head will split open...

In other news: play Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Like FF:Tactics (in many ways), it'll keep you going for hours without even needing to continue the storyline.

Mar 30, 2007

I Love VP2: Silmeria

I think I'm going to have to change the comic updates to once a week... This week I spent all my free time playing my game, now I have 104+ hours on it...

Sorry... But then... It's not like anyone reads this right...? -_-

Seriously... Do I just make this comic for my own pleasure? I like doing it but... I'd like it more if people read it too... How can I work on advertising?

Mar 26, 2007

Valkyrie Profile 2 is stealing all my time.

Aside from the duties of college and finding work (hopefully Quiznos will offer...), I'm also working on a Perfect Release in my most recently acquired video game.

If you care to know what that is, read a guide on it at Otherwise suffice it to say that I've already spent 97 hours on this game, and more will come.

Like these comics.

Mar 24, 2007

Nothing to say.

My time is filled with schoolwork and hanging out with friends.

Mar 21, 2007

Why do I have to think up titles for blogs?

So far this week I'm running on 7- hours a night, as opposed to my usual 8.

But the comic has improved (somewhat) and will continue to do so!

Mar 19, 2007


Wah! I've been too busy and missed today's comic. Don't worry though - I'll make it up to you.

Mar 11, 2007

I hope this isn't boring.

I think I'll have to spice up the storyline, since it's about to flatline.

Also: obviously the background is bigger this time than last. Comments? Suggestions on borders? Post 'em or email me if you do.

Other news: Spring break for me. Guess that means I'll be jobhunting this week (too bad I don't get paid to make comics...)

Mar 8, 2007


Finally got my busywork for school done today. All that's left to do is look for a job...

Bleh. Work. ~_~

I learned something today. The semicircle of white that is at the base of your fingernail? The bigger that is, the healthier you are.

Mar 6, 2007

Still Busy.

I can't believe I'm taking the time to post this - that's how busy I am. On the other hand, this comic only took about 30 minutes of work (maybe it shows).

Played a crazy japenese game today, which involves jumping around and dying, escaping death to find more death. And all the pictures were ASCII, with the deaths strongly resembling death in a megaman game.

To those of you who wonder why I still play games when I'm so busy, I say bah - and it was after dinner.

Mar 4, 2007

Confidence booster.

Thanks to my friend (who I must name) Eric, who told me that I do in fact have readers.

How many readers do I have now?

Tell you what - anyone who can guess both what game the background in Avoi's memory is from, and what planet it is (hint: it's not Coruscant) before the answer is revealed with their email address will get something. Whether this will be a preview to Avoi's background or a strip that won't appear in the comic (yet) I don't know. Maybe your choice. Maybe not.

Well, 'till next time

Mar 1, 2007

Busy busy.

I have a lot of work to do - an essay, homework for other classes, and a busy day planned for tomorrow - so why am I taking the time to put up a comic and this little blurb? It's just for you guys.


The readers. I don't have any yet, but if you're reading this that means good things. Keep on reading, 'cause I'll keep on posting.


Comic 1 is up!

I kept my promise and the first comic of Sith Comics is up. Enjoy!

For future reference, I will try to publish a new comic every other weekday, so the schedule will be Monday-Wednesday-Friday for Sith Comics (unless something huge comes up). I'm in the middle of a busy time as a freshman in college right now, so I might have a bit of trouble the first couple weeks, but eventually I'll get into the swing of things and the comic will be running smoothly.

Mike out!

A new day

Today I start blogger, the continuation of which will be at popular request, or not. Hopefully I will soon get my own address, but I'm willing to settle for this at the moment.

The first Sith comic will be up as soon as I finish it - it's a bit longer than it will be normally because it's the introduction.

If you like it, tell me and I'll continue making them.